Acheive more with Tutor Plans
Upgrage to a plan that matches your learning goals!
Unlock additional capabilities with enhanced tools and resources. Ideal for users ready to take it to the next level.
- Sessions quota 8
- Courses quota 30
- Auto Renew Yes
Gain access to essential features and tools to get started. Perfect for beginners looking to explore the platform.
- Sessions quota 5
- Courses quota 10
- Auto Renew Yes
Experience the full power of the platform with exclusive features and priority support. Tailored for professionals and power users.
- Sessions quota 10
- Courses quota 50
- Auto Renew Yes
Upgrade for a better eLearning experience.
Upgrade your subscription to unlock advanced eLearning features and resources.
Choose Plans
Explore a range of options designed to suit your needs and goals.
Choose your payment method
Select your preferred payment option for a seamless subscription experience.
Join Live Calls with Zoom Integration
Join live interactive sessions seamlessly with Zoom integration for a personalized learning.
Unlock Your eLearning Potential!
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